
Controlled Vocabularies for the Asset Description Metadata Schema

"SKOS, the Simple Knowledge Organisation System, is a common data model for sharing controlled vocabularies such as code lists, thesauri, and taxonomies via the Web in a machine-readable format. Recently, six new controlled vocabularies, specified as part of the Asset Description Metadata Schema v1.00 (ADMS), have been published on the Web using the SKOS vocabulary.

The Asset Description Metadata Schema (v1.00) (ADMS) proposes six new controlled vocabularies (...), and specifies for each vocabulary and term corresponding purl.org term URIs (...):

Asset Type: e.g. “domain model”, “schema”, “taxonomy”;

Interoperability Level: e.g. “legal interoperability”, “organisational interoperability”, “semantic interoperability”, and “technical interoperability”;

Licence Type: e.g. "attribution", and "no derivative work";

Publisher Type: e.g. “company”, and “national authority”;

Representation Technique: e.g. “UML”, “XML Schema”, “Schematron”, “OWL”; and

Status: e.g. “completed”, and “under development”.

These six controlled vocabularies have been published as “Linked Data” on the Web using the data model of the Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS). SKOS is a lightweight RDF vocabulary that allows representing the terms in a controlled vocabulary as instances of the class skos:Concepts. SKOS also defines properties for multi-lingual labels (skos:prefLabel), associated codes (skos:notation), and definitions (skos:definition)."

  • Controlled Vocabularies for the Asset Description Metadata Schema
KOS Type
  • en
URI http://bartoc.org/en/node/18672
Homepage https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/document/skos-used-publish-controlled-vocabularies-defined-adms-web
  • European Commission
  • Brussels
  • 1049
  • Belgium
Services (API)
  • en