
COPE Case Taxonomy

"In 2013, it became apparent that the publication ethics cases being brought to COPE for discussion and advice were becoming more complex. A new and more comprehensive classification scheme was therefore developed to make it easier to code cases, to aid searching, and to provide a finer level of detail for analysis. The resulting COPE Case Taxonomy comprises 18 main classification categories and 100 keywords and is designed to be descriptive not judgemental.

All the cases in COPE’s database were recoded and all new cases are being coded according to the new taxonomy (up to two classifications, denoting the main topics discussed, and 10 keywords can be assigned per case). It is important to note that classification and keyword coding denotes that a topic was raised and discussed, not that a particular form of publication misconduct had occurred.

The COPE Case Taxonomy is available, with appropriate attribution, for use by other organizations and individuals. Attribution should include the version date and number, and a link to the taxonomy on COPE’s website."

  • COPE Case Taxonomy
KOS Type
  • en
Created 2013
URI http://bartoc.org/en/node/18454
Homepage http://publicationethics.org/cope-case-taxonomy
  • United Kingdom
Size 18 main categories, 100 keywords (2017-02).
  • en